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Integrated Spreadsheets Part 7: A Simple Toggle Using IF’

Last week we used our very first Worksheet function (CONCATENATE). Worksheet functions are remarkably powerful tools to use in WinTOTAL's worksheet view, that give you functionality you just can't get with a standard algebraic formula.

This week, we'll use another simple Worksheet function, "IF," to build a toggle where if I check a box on the form, some text appears in another field. My example is the "Public" electricity checkbox and the description field just to the right. Here in Oklahoma City, the only real power company is OG&E, so it makes sense for my workflow if I check "Public" electricity, that "OG&E" will pop into the description field.

The syntax for "IF" is much like other Worksheet functions. You start with "=" and the name of the function. Then, in parentheses and separated with commas, put three things in this order: Your condition, followed by what to do if it's "true," followed by what to do if it's "false."


In this case, your instructions can be read like this: "If cell B6 equals X, do Y. If not, do Z."

See the video for clarification and futher pointers, and don't forget to label everything in your spreadsheets as you build them.

And if you haven't already, subscribe to this blog at the top right so you won't miss any important videos. From time to time, I'll post items on days other than Tuesdays, and you don't want to miss out…