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Appraisal Tech Tip:  Restore your TOTAL settings in six clicks with Exact

Are you moving to a new computer? Do you want TOTAL to perform like it did on the old machine? Exact can do this for you.

First, make sure your Exact is installed on the new computer. Then after just six clicks, voila!, your QuickLists, contacts, user settings, comps database, and digital signature are downloaded and ready to use on your new machine. Don’t hire a technician or waste hours, even days manually updating your customized settings. Watch the video below to see how Vault with Exact makes your transition easy and simple.

Buy Vault with Exact here

If you have already purchased TOTAL, there are 20 Vault files available for you to try right now. Simply log in your a la mode account, and try it out today!

Don't have TOTAL yet? Click here to see what TOTAL can do for your appraisal business, or here to get a FREE 15-day trial.

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