It’s a common misconception that appraisers can't draw complicated sketches on TOTAL for Mobile, our free app. The idea of sketching angles, curves, multiple levels, bay windows, and cut-out areas on a small device or phone seems all but impossible.
But, here’s one of the secrets to success when sketching with TOTAL for Mobile: You’re no longer stuck with a static, immovable grid on a piece of graph paper. Instead, you have a dynamic screen that you can manipulate with your fingertips. Most of us are familiar with using the pinch feature on your tablet or phone to zoom in and out on photos, websites, and so on. You can use the same method to zoom around on your sketch. Use two fingers to pan around your drawing, too. It's an easy way to create and navigate detailed (and above all, ACCURATE) sketches on your mobile device.
TOTAL for Mobile is completely free, both to download and to sync files. Find it in the Amazon App store, the Apple App store, or Google Play Store.
Want more mobile workflow tips? Come to our free "Helpful apps for busy appraisers" webinar at 1PM (Central) this Thursday, November 12th. Fellow mobile expert Paul Stansberry will cover mobile apps that can help you save time, take payments in the field, and get organized. Grab your spot here.