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Zero-click flood maps

Many appraisers have to dig through websites (like to find a flood map for their report. This is a time-consuming, manual process. Instead, if the property is in a flood zone, use your InterFlood contract to have TOTAL (or WinTOTAL) automatically place a flood map into your report for you.

If you already have an InterFlood contract, it's simple to enable TOTAL to automatically get your flood maps each time you get a location map:

  1. Open TOTAL, go to Tools, Configuration Settings.
  2. Click the Maps option on the left.
  3. Check the box to Get FEMA flood map from InterFlood, and bullet Only if subject is in a flood zone.
  4. Scroll to the bottom of the window and enter your InterFlood username and password, so you're not prompted for it every time.
  5. Click Save and Close.

That's it. If your subject is in a flood zone, TOTAL will now get a FEMA map automatically whenever you get your location map.