Automatic UAD bathroom adjustments on-the-fly

on October 16, 2012

When appraisers switch to WinTOTAL from other formfilling software, they’re quite often taken aback at how easy it is to automatically adjust for UAD bath counts on-the-fly, since it’s something that most other formfillers don't do. In WinTOTAL’s Comps Side-by-Side, enable the Detailed View. This feature, exclusive to WinTOTAL, expands the grid out so that […]

Five appraiser marketing myths busted!

on October 15, 2012

What's holding you back from marketing your business? Proactive marketing is proven to bring in high-fee, non-lender orders. We know you're busy and marketing may be the last thing on your radar, so that's why we put together the top concerns we hear and busted them below.

Get confirmation your client got your report

on October 9, 2012

Have you ever delivered a report to a client and they never got it, or they got the e-mail, but without an attachment? Wouldn’t it be nice to know your client received your UAD report, or even get confirmation that they successfully viewed it?

Swap out your major forms

on September 11, 2012

How many times have you been working on a Drive-by appraisal and the client calls you back and changes it to a full 1004 appraisal? If you’re not using WinTOTAL or TOTAL, you might have to start a whole other report just to get the new form, or you could end up with two major […]


on September 4, 2012

Are your reports snowed under with sticky notes? Some of you write notes to yourselves; others give feedback to trainee appraisers. In addition to being messy, you run the risk of losing these notes, which can often be a violation of USPAP.

General Purpose Forms

on August 28, 2012

Are you still using the standard Fannie and Freddie forms for all your non-lender jobs? a la mode’s exclusive series of General Purpose forms lets you set yourself apart from the crowd and provide something new and more useful to attorneys, homeowners, real estate agents, and CPAs.