When you think of a la mode you probably think of tech support or product development. But, we have many behind the scenes roles that are just as important. We know communicating effectively with our customers is our top priority. And, it's the number one mission for our marketing department.
Rebekah Champagne is one of our Product Marketing Managers. With 20 years in the mortgage industry, she brings a different perspective to engaging our customers and recognizing potential impact due to regulatory changes.

How would you describe your job at a la mode?
Rebekah: I develop and write content to help appraisers find new products that would appeal to them, how to use the products they already have, and give feedback on what would be even more beneficial for their workflow.
What’s your favorite aspect of the job?
Rebekah: I love interviewing our customers about their products and how they use them. Not only do I get to meet new people, but I get to hear how our tools have helped them do their job better.
If a la mode were a TV show, which character – from any sitcom, drama, or reality show – who would you represent and why?
Rebekah: Lilly from How I Met Your Mother. She was funny, quirky, loud, and loved to take care of people.
Who do you admire most and why?
Rebekah: My Grandma, Marie McDonnell. She was the strongest woman I've ever known. She showed me how to stand my ground, but still help those around me.
If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Rebekah: Mexican food. It doesn't even really matter what kind. I love it all!
What is your key piece of advice for appraisers that use a la mode?
Rebekah: If you have a question about how to do something, don't feel like you have to figure it out on your own. We have free webinars, QuickStart guides, Elite Product Coaching, and a fantastic support team. We're here to help.
What's kept you working for a la mode?
Rebekah: I love the people that I work with as well as being able to speak to our customers.
We depend on each other to get through every day, whether our role involves directly helping appraisers over the phone or working behind the scenes to make things happen. We know you depend on us, too, which is why we get to come to work with a purpose. Thank you for that, and thanks for being part of a la mode.