Our sales team strives to make sure our customers have the tools they need to run their business efficiently. That requires in-depth product knowledge of every one of our tools, as well as a good understanding of an appraiser’s workflow.
That’s not something many can boast, but Landi Latimer can. She’s helped appraisers start their a la mode journey for the last seven years. She’s truly invested in helping new customers learn more about their products and how to streamline their day.

How would you describe your job at a la mode?
Landi: I'm a senior inside sales representative that is very customer service oriented. It’s great to be able to assist appraisers in bringing their business into the modern world of mobile appraising, cloud software, and data import tools. I can see a shift in the way appraisers are doing business, and know it’s saving them a ton of time!
What’s your favorite aspect of the job?
Landi: My co-workers and sales team. We've all worked together for years now and have developed a great rapport with one another. We all genuinely like coming to work every day and going to bat for appraisers.
If a la mode were a TV show, which character – from any sitcom, drama, or reality show – who would you represent and why?
Landi: Elaine from Seinfeld. I'm pretty quirky and know how to speak my mind. Plus I work with a bunch of dudes and Elaine is around guys throughout the whole show.
Who do you admire most and why?
Landi: My daughter. Although she is only eight years old, she has the kindest and most genuine heart of anyone I’ve ever met. As a single mother, I know it’s not easy for her to now have to share the spotlight with her new baby brother. But she is like a second mother to him and helps me so much! From the time she wakes up in the morning to the time I tuck her into bed at night she always has a giant smile on her face that is contagious!
If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Landi: Mashed potatoes and steak.
What is your key piece of advice for appraisers that use a la mode?
Landi: Don't be afraid of change when it comes to technology. Allow our products to help make your life easier!
What's kept you working for a la mode?
Landi: The great benefits, flexibility, working with my single mom schedule, but mostly the people. A lot of the people at a la mode have become some of my dearest friends
We depend on each other to get through every day, whether our role involves directly helping appraisers over the phone or working behind the scenes to make things happen. We know you depend on us, too, which is why we get to come to work with a purpose. Thank you for that, and thanks for being part of a la mode.