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Employee Spotlight: Ash Stewart

When you’re under a deadline and cutting it close, it’s almost inevitable something will go wrong. When it does, you want someone who can not only empathize with your problem but get it resolved quickly.

Ash Stewart has been that someone for many of our customers in the last two years. She prides herself in going the extra mile to make sure each appraiser has a solution on time and every time. Read more to find out what makes Ash amazing.

How would you describe your job at a la mode?

Ash: I help people. It’s half customer service and half tech support. People call in because they’re confused and need answers. It’s my job to help them out. I’m their advocate, and I get them what they need.

What’s your favorite aspect of the job?

Ash: I really love hearing someone’s pain point and being able to deliver the solution. I also love how interconnected our company is. In other words, how easy it is to affect change just by getting up and talking to the right people.

If a la mode were a TV show, which character – from any sitcom, drama, or reality show – who would you represent and why?

Ash: Joey. I eat everything, and people are always giving me their leftovers.

Who do you admire most and why?

Ash: My mom, obviously. She can do anything.

If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Ash: Chips and salsa.

What is your key piece of advice for appraisers that use a la mode?

Ash: The number one question I get is how to lock a field if USPS standardization changes your address. In that case, type your address exactly the way you want it on page 1 of your major form, and press CTRL + L. The field will turn green, and nothing on Earth can change that field but you. No automated system is ever going to be as smart as a boots-on-the-ground appraiser.

What’s kept you working for a la mode?

Ash: The fact that we actually care about our customers and employees. I don’t feel like humans are a commodity at this company. We’re all a team, and we’re all working toward the same goal. That’s hard to find — a lot of companies fake it. But we really got it.

We depend on each other to get through every day, whether our role involves directly helping appraisers over the phone or working behind the scenes to make things happen. We know you depend on us, too, which is why we get to come to work with a purpose. Thank you for that, and thanks for being part of a la mode.