Automatic UAD bathroom adjustments on-the-fly
Written by Marketing on October 16, 2012
When appraisers switch to WinTOTAL from other formfilling software, they’re quite often taken aback at how easy it is to automatically adjust for UAD bath counts on-the-fly, since it’s something that most other formfillers don't do.
In WinTOTAL’s Comps Side-by-Side, enable the Detailed View. This feature, exclusive to WinTOTAL, expands the grid out so that you can make true line-by-line adjustments across all comparables at once. Enable the Auto Adjuster next to it, as well.
Notice how you can adjust for bedrooms and bathrooms separately, and the top line, which is the field that shows and prints on the real form, adds them up for you. When you have a UAD form in the report, WinTOTAL automatically knows that ".1” is a half-bath, “.2” is two half baths, and adjusts accordingly. Just put your full-bath adjustment in the Auto Adjuster column, and WinTOTAL adjusts for it immediately for any comps that you already have. You can even do this at the beginning of the report, and WinTOTAL automatically adjusts on-the-fly as you fill out your comps – there’s no need to run your adjuster over and over, like you do with other formfillers.
The best part of using WinTOTAL’s Auto Adjuster is that these adjustment values are simply fields, and are part of the report, something else you won’t find anywhere else. They aren’t simply the values that you used in your last, certainly unrelated, report. You can open a WinTOTAL report years from now, and see at a glance all the Auto Adjuster values you used. For instance, some of you are used to breaking out your calculator to remind yourself what price per square foot you used in a report from two weeks ago – that’s just not necessary when you use WinTOTAL.
To try out WinTOTAL’s Auto Adjuster for yourself, click here or call us today at 1-800-ALAMODE for a free, fully-functional demo.