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Default Field Data

An alternative to – or used in conjunction with – templates and QuickLists, WinTOTAL and TOTAL 2011's Default Field Data lets you set data to appear in a form field every time you add that form to a report, even in a blank report. Even for those of you who use templates, customizing your default field data is a good complement to your workflow.

Here’s how it works: First, you fill out the form with the data you want to save. Those of you with templates, simply open your template report for this step. Now, from the toolbar, choose Forms, Default field data, and save as the new default. It’s really that simple.

Now, when you add or swap a form in a report, the data will be there.

If you’re not using templates, check out our short how-to series on how templates are created and used in TOTAL 2011 and WinTOTAL Aurora. It’s likely easier and more powerful than what you’re currently using to start your reports.