Do you have a checklist you’ve created to help remind yourself of the important tasks for each appraisal? Use TOTAL’s Notes PowerView to access custom electronic To Do lists from within each report, and check each item off as you complete it. Then before you deliver the report, go back and make sure you’ve checked all necessary items.
To create a To Do List, click Add Item, then give it a name and hit Enter. Once you have several items, sort them however you want with the up and down arrows, or drag and drop them. When you're done, save the list and name it.
Using TOTAL’s Notes PowerView, you can create a custom To Do List for each type of appraisal form, or even ones for particular clients.
And since the Notes PowerView can be undocked and moved to a second monitor, you can still be writing the report and think of something specific you want to remember, make a quick note of it on the other monitor, and never lose your train of thought.
Create your own custom To Do List in TOTAL today, and if you don’t have TOTAL yet, click here for a fully-functional trial today.