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Estimate your mileage from your house, not your office

If you typically start driving to your inspections from somewhere other than your office (say, your house or a coffee shop), you can change a setting in TOTAL that tells Mileage Estimator where you start, which can give you a more accurate calculation.

You just need to configure your office settings:

  1. From TOTAL, click Tools, then Change Office Settings. (If you're using WinTOTAL Aurora, it's Options, Change Office Settings).
  2. Edit the address appropriately, then Save & Close.
  3. Run Mileage Estimator.

Once you've run Mileage Estimator with the new address, don't forget to set your office settings back to what they were.

If you don't have Mileage Estimator 2013, click here to get your copy today.