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Get a comp map while in the grid

When deciding which comps to use in a report, or even which comps to put first, it’s often helpful to see them on a map. That way you can visualize where each property is relative to the subject, each other, and where they are in the neighborhood.

At any time while filling out the grid, use WinTOTAL’s Comps Side-by-Side to generate a comp map on-the-fly. Simply click the Map button at the top to see all your sales comps and their position relative to the subject and neighborhood. TOTAL users: get a map at any time by choosing Add Map from the Tools menu. Just click Cancel when you're done.

Try getting your own comp on-the-fly comp map in WinTOTAL with your next report, and if you don’t have WinTOTAL yet, click here for a free trial today.

Bonus Tip
When you close the comp map in WinTOTAL, click Finish and choose Yes to save this map to your Digital Workfile. If you want, you can even make notes in the Digital Workfile about how you used this specific map to rank your comparables. Even though you didn’t include this map as a form in the report, it’s still backed up to the cloud with Vault for USPAP compliance.