Many of you who are using WinTOTAL’s exclusive integrated spreadsheets have asked whether or not you can import your own custom spreadsheets you’ve built in Excel. The answer is: absolutely!
Knowing Excel well can be a benefit, and you can make use of the full Excel ribbon and other tools. Many appraisers are familiar with Excel, and employ its vast spreadsheet utilities in complex analytics outside of WinTOTAL. But if those analytics involve data that is either coming from (or will go back into) particular form fields in a report, it makes sense to integrate your Excel-written spreadsheets into WinTOTAL.
Here's how:
- Create your spreadsheet in Excel, and include any cell formatting and color scheme you normally use.
- Save the Excel file as an Excel 2003 (or earlier) version.
- From within WinTOTAL's worksheet view, click Open, and browse to your file. Link your form fields up and down as you need.
- Click Save.
That's it! WinTOTAL saves a copy of the linked spreadsheet into your program, and you can access it again from the default location with the Open button in your next report.
If you need a refresher on any of the previous tips on the worksheet, they're all right here in the blog. Just click "view recent posts" at the top.