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Cloud-based forms system
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Desktop Formfilling
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Flood maps
Read UAD XML files
Powerful cloud-based products
Now featuring ScanToSketch
Mileage Totals
Fast and accurate comp data
Integrations for analytics, sketchers, office management, etc.

Coming soon to TOTAL for Mobile

The next release of TOTAL for Mobile is all about refining existing features, based almost entirely on feedback from our users. We've received a lot of feedback for small changes that will actually make a big difference in how you work in the app, including time-saving features like being able to see at a glance the form you’re on and which comps or forms have (or need) photos. Keep the feedback coming! We get many great ideas and really do rely on you to tell us what you need.

TOTAL’s SmartStart has been brought to TOTAL for Mobile. Tailored for mobile, it streamlines file creation on the mobile side. For those that use a template to create reports, the new SmartStart lets you create the new file using that report. This saves you a step of having to do it manually using the Save As feature.

Directions now indicates if a comp has a photo
The Directions map is a great way to see the location of all the properties in the report and get turn-by-turn navigation. It’s now even easier to see which of your comps have photos. If a comp photo has been taken, the Directions list contains a thumbnail and the map marker will use a different icon.

Photo forms list now shows how many photos have been taken
The photo forms popup now displays how many photo slots are on a form and how many of those slots have a photo. It will also indicate the form that is currently being displayed. This makes it a lot faster to see which forms are full, and which form in the list you are currently on.

Photo grid groups by form
The photo grid has been improved to display the photos grouped by form (just like TOTAL’s Photos PowerView). You can also now take a photo directly from the photo grid by tapping on an empty slot.

Expandable multi-line fields
Coming to Android is the ability for multi-line fields to expand to fill the form area. This provides more space to work on larger blocks of text. Use QuickLists to insert blocks of text at the cursor position and build up a more complete comment in a snap. Don't worry iPad and iPhone users, this feature is coming to you next time.

Look for these changes in the next update. Don't have TOTAL for Mobile? It's available for free on the Apple App Store and Google Play.

TOTAL for Android on Google Play
TOTAL for iOS on the Apple App Store