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June webinar schedule

In case you missed my last post, I asked for input to on what kind of training our Elite System appraisers wanted for my next series of 30-minute webinars. I received a lot of great suggestions and wanted to thank you all for the help!

Most of you want to know more about non-lender marketing, order management, MLS importing, mobile workflow, the new SmartAddress feature, and upgrading to TOTAL from Aurora. With that in mind, I scheduled some brand new webinars over the next couple of weeks. Many of them are exclusive to our Elite System customers, but I've opened a couple up for anyone to sign up. (They're free, of course!) Here's the schedule:

Elite only! Easy, Effective Marketing

June 9th, 11 AM CT


Elite only! TOTAL and Complete Order Management June 10th, 12 PM CT Register
Elite only! Timesaving formfilling June 11th, 11 AM CT Register
Moving from WinTOTAL to TOTAL

June 11th, 12 PM CT


Elite only! Simple and Fast MLS Data Import

June 16th, 11 AM CT


Elite only! Comp Consistency the Easy Way

June 16th, 12 PM CT


TOTAL for Mobile

June 18th, 12 PM CT


I'd love to see you in those sessions. Simply use the links above to RSVP.

Thanks again for the feedback and your business!