Turns out, they're good for a lot of reasons.
What was merely a bizarre idea 10-15 years ago, have become an overwhelming reality of our day-to-day life. Whether you like it or not, we live in a connected world.
Things that used to only be accessible on your desktop (email, software, files, etc.) are now available on your phone, tablet, laptop, and basically anything else with a Wi-Fi or data connection — from anywhere!
And even though there are some pretty useless, time-sucking apps out there (looking at you Candy Crusher and Words with Friends), there are also some really awesome productivity apps that we think you should be using.
Chances are, you’re familiar with some, and may even use them on your desktop. Think: OneNote, Skype, etc. But if you’re not taking advantage of them on your mobile device, you’re missing out.
In our most recent eBook, Mobile Apps Every Appraiser Needs, we’ve broken down which apps you must start using and why. We even took it one step further by dividing the apps into two groups: Productivity and Workflow — so you know exactly which aspect of your job will be impacted.
If the whole idea of mobile appraising is still new to you, visit our library of eBooks to help you get started. We cover topics like how to go paperless, and which devices and accessories you should consider when making the transition to mobile.
And as always, you can email our training department at Training@alamode.com anytime you have a quick question.
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