In WinTOTAL, deliver or print closed reports, which saves you time from opening and closing them.
In the Appraisal Desktop, select your report and click the arrow next to the send button to see all your options. You can send a full copy to the client with any method, and even e-mail a full copy of the report to another appraiser in your office. It’s the exact same options you have when the report’s open.
You can even simply print a copy of the report without opening it. Click Print, and choose which printing option you want. You can choose which forms you want to print, immediately print all the forms to the report’s default printer, or print just the invoice, making it easier to send just that one document to your clients.
Bonus Tip:
If you’re still physically printing copies of each report for physical archiving in a steel file cabinet, click here to see a previous post on why that’s no longer necessary.
Several of our recent tips have been over the Appraisal Desktop, so if you’ve missed any of them, click “View Recent posts” at the top to see them. If you’re already a customer, give it all a try. And if you’re not, click here get trials of WinTOTAL and TOTAL. Or, give us a call at 1-800-ALAMODE.