Swap out your major forms

Written by on September 11, 2012

How many times have you been working on a Drive-by appraisal and the client calls you back and changes it to a full 1004 appraisal? If you’re not using WinTOTAL or TOTAL, you might have to start a whole other report just to get the new form, or you could end up with two major forms in the same report.

If you’re using WinTOTAL or TOTAL, you can simply swap one form for the other within the report itself. Click Contents, and add your new form across. The result is immediate: your URAR is there, and WinTOTAL has even transferred the data from any shared fields.

Extra Tip
Of course, since forms aren’t exactly the same, not all possible data can transfer. That’s why WinTOTAL saves an exact copy of your original major form in the Digital Workfile, dated and time-stamped. You can view it, print it, copy and paste from it, make notes for compliance and your audit trail, and even restore the form back to the report if you need to.

Swapping forms like this is exclusive to WinTOTAL and TOTAL. Try out how easy this is in your own free, fully-functional demo.