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The Importance of Being Specific (Part 2)

Every part of your marketing needs to be specific. You pick a specific goal, you pick an audience, a pain point, and a message, etc. Don’t forget to also separate your marketing lists, either. In XSite, these are called “groups.” The XSite comes with several built-in groups, but I recommend that you get in and create your own sets of groups.

For example, don’t create a generic “attorneys” group. Separate them out into types of attorneys. There are divorce attorneys, estate attorneys, bankruptcy attorneys, and attorneys that might need experienced expert witness testimony, just to name a few. Each of those should be their own group (and yes – a contact can be tied to more than one group).

In the same way, separate out your homeowner contacts. You wouldn’t send a “tax challenge” e-mail to a homeowner that is FSBO, and trying to unload a property, right? How about a homeowner that might want to know more about or reduce their PMI? Each of those is a different message, and a different pain point. You’ll send them each a different e-mail. Just make sure you’ve grouped your contacts so that your marketing can have the most efficient impact on the audience.