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TOTAL update: Set adjustment rounding for the whole report, easier photo management, and more

In the latest TOTAL update, we've included highly-requested improvements that help you save time in four ways:

1. You can set rounding for all adjustments in your entire report at once.
It's easy to do from the toolbar or by right-clicking on any adjustment field. And, in our next update, you'll have a global setting to apply rounding to all your future reports.

Check out this feature in action in our latest Tech Tip video:

2. You can add a copy of a form in a click.
Make a new copy of any form in the Report Contents pane (below your QuickList) by clicking the button in the toolbar or right-clicking on any form. This will save time when you need to add another photo, addenda, or other form to your report. We also added a button to the toolbar to rename any form.

3. Managing photos is easier with a host of QuickPix improvements.

  • You can sort photos by date taken and file name.
  • You can add default values for city, state, zip, and neighborhood photo fields in settings. This way, you won't have to fill in common data. And you can overwrite the default text at any time.
  • As soon as you add information, your photos are marked for import automatically.
  • The importer window can now be adjusted to any size to take advantage of your full screen.
  • The original photo file name is shown below the thumbnail. This is handy when you're looking for specific photos.
  • You can use the Enter key (as well as the Tab key) to navigate through the fields.
  • You can remove addresses from the recently used dropdown. (Delete mistyped addresses that get in the way.

4. Use SmartAdjust (for automatic adjustments) in more forms:

  • GP Restricted
  • GP Commercial
  • AI Ready AI-100.04.

You can see the complete list of improvements and detailed release notes here.

Don't have TOTAL yet? WinTOTAL Aurora users get it free with their Membership. Download it now from Or, get a free trial here.