You don’t have to print every report

Written by on May 29, 2012

You send electronic copies of reports to your clients, right? Why not save an electronic copy of exactly what you sent them for yourself? WinTOTAL's exclusive Digital Workfile can even do this automatically — every time you send a completed file.

You may be thinking that you can just go back to your e-mail's "sent items" and pull up a report you sent last week. But what about a report you did for a client three or four years from now? Do you really think you'll have access to every e-mail you've ever sent five years after the fact?

Just check one box in WinTOTAL, and every time you deliver a report to a client, a copy is saved into the Workfile PowerView, dated and time-stamped. If you make any changes and send another copy of the report, both copies are available for you to see — dated and time-stamped. And you haven't had to print, file, save, or organize anything.

The best part of all is that the PDFs are saved as part of the WinTOTAL report file, or ZAP file, so when you back up your files online, the copies of your old reports aren’t subject to physical damage from fire, flood, or hurricanes – and there’s no reason to keep spending all that money on paper and ink just to archive something that is electronic in the first place.

The Digital Workfile is a remarkably powerful tool you won't find anywhere else. If you don't have WinTOTAL, give us a call for a fully functional demo.