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QuickNotes at the Roadshow

Right now we're traveling around the country on our Modern Appraiser Roadshow, teaching appraisers how to become more efficient while using TOTAL.

One of the features that went over really well at our Austin event was when we showed everyone in the room how to use the Notes PowerView to see all the QuickNotes in a report (electronic sticky notes) all in one place. So, after class we took a few minutes and recorded a short tip about what the other appraisers found interesting.

We'll be on the road a lot this fall, so stay tuned for more quick video tips like these.

And click here to see if our Modern Appraiser Roadshow is coming to an area near you.

More details on QuickNotes:
Tech Tip: Adding QuickNotes to your report
QuickNotes in TOTAL User's Guide
QuickNotes in WinTOTAL User's Guide