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Archive your e-mails with the report

How do your appraisal assignments arrive? Some come through fax, but most come through e-mail, right? So why print them out just to spend your time and resources to archive your orders in a manila folder in a big steel file cabinet?

Instead, immediately archive your engagement for the job within the WinTOTAL report itself. To begin, simply open the report that needs a file or document added. Once inside the report, click the Workfile PowerView button on the upper right, then:

  • If your request comes in as a fax, you can simply scan the engagement letter in with WinTOTAL’s scan button in the Digital Workfile.
  • If your order comes in as e-mail, you can simply drag the e-mail from Outlook’s inbox (or Thunderbird, etc) directly into WinTOTAL’s Digital Workfile. (Depending on your settings and version of Windows and Outlook you might drag the e-mail to the desktop and then into the Workfile.)

In the Workfile, e-mail remains e-mail, not just a printout, and includes all attachments in their original format. In fact, go ahead and save any and all e-mail correspondence about a report this way.

Because the Workfile is part of each report, whenever you back up your report to the cloud with Vault, all relevant data stays contained within the report, in the original format, keeping you compliant and secure even in the face of fire and flood.

To save time and stay compliant, click here for a completely free, no-strings trial of WinTOTAL. For more information on WinTotal's Digital Workfile, click here.

Bonus Tip
Since your reports are backed up to the cloud with Vault, you have access to them remotely – even from your home computer. Having access to your data remotely makes it easier to look up and answer questions about turn times and fees, if they arise when you're out of the office.