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New to Titan Reports:  Collaboration features, powerful E&O checking, driving directions

Our Elite customers have been previewing our cloud-based formfiller for several months at If you’re not Elite and would like to get a sneak peek at what will be our most significant generation to date, call 1-800-ALAMODE or send an email to

If you've been following our messages about Titan Reports, you know why everyone is so excited. Soon, you'll have the freedom to work from anywhere — with anyone in your office — without your work laptop or a network. That's because it's 100% cloud-based and runs on any browser.

What you may not know is we have two other goals with Titan Reports:

1. Make it feel just as powerful as our desktop formfillers, so you won't sacrifice core features.

2. Make the interface so closely resemble TOTAL that you won't have a learning curve. Just get in and go.

Our last Elite Preview, with its addenda and other Total-esque features, was an example of how we're working to reach those goals. And this time, our E&O introduction follows that same path.

So, without further ado, here's what's new to the June Preview:

Desktop-strength E&O checks on the web

The E&O checker you've come to love has made its way into Titan Reports.

However, we've made one really cool change — it's now located in the Forms PowerView tab, which means you can use Quicklists and Forms keyboard shortcuts while making edits.

Reports are still reviewed with the same ruleset used in TOTAL. Simply click the E&O button to see the list of warnings. Then, like always, double-click the warning to go directly to the source field. Viola!

Collaborate on reports with your entire office without a high-maintenance network

For a one-person shop, expanding your company can seem out of reach. The hardware is expensive, you'll have to setup a rock-solid network, and hire a technician to set everything up. Then, you'll have to create a good workflow for more than one person to work on a single file.

Or if you've already expanded, you know the agony of server equipment breaking or the network going down. In those cases, you can’t share reports with appraisers until a technician comes.

Titan Reports sweeps those issues into the past. Its simple, yet familiar interface will create a multi-user experience that's unmatched. Share up-to-date reports from the Titan Appraisal Desktop with anyone in the office, without the extra equipment, hassle, and expense. And no trips back to your desk or hauling around your work laptop.

Thanks to your feedback from past Previews, we added:

Quick, round-trip driving directions

Get driving directions from the office to your subject, then to each comparable in the fastest route possible. Just select Driving Directions from within the location map, or click the Tools menu to select it. This handy feature is new and only available in Titan.

No more guessing which property to head to next or wasting time and gas getting there. (Since Titan Reports runs in your favorite Internet browser, please allow pop-ups to see Driving Directions.)

Rearrange properties in a few clicks

By popular request, now you can rearrange properties in the comps grid. Because Titan doesn't have a side-by-side tab yet, we've added quick access from the Tools menu, just like in TOTAL. From there, make the necessary arrangements, click OK, and you're done.

If this is your first time to log into the Preview, keep in mind that it's the real deal, not a marketing page. But since Titan isn't completely ready yet, we've limited what you can do with it. For now, play with sample appraisal files, use QuickLists, add photos and maps, try the addenda, sketching, and so on. It just can't be used for real appraisals yet. (Read more about this in our first Preview announcement.)

Also, Titan Reports keeps getting better because of your ideas. Simply click the Feedback button to let us know what you think.

After all, we talk to competitor’s customers who have tried their cloud system. We hear it feels clunky, seems to have stability issues, and isn't a realistic solution yet. That’s not acceptable for us. It’s vital that Titan Reports works in critical moments when you’re on the road. That’s why, unlike previous formfillers, we’re running Titan in a Preview to get feedback as we build it.

Thanks to this Preview program and you, Titan will be rock solid once it's released.