In the last few weeks, I showed you the very basics of how to link fields in WinTOTAL’s integrated worksheet view, something that appraisers can get only with a la mode. Today I’ll use linked fields again, but we’ll expand on the formula aspect of the worksheet and use a mathematical, algebraic equation.
For this example, let’s say that I want my final value to represented 80% by the value of the sales comparison approach, and 20% by the cost approach. I’ll start by linking down my two fields,but first, I’ll label the cells above where I’m going to put the data. This isn’t necessary, but it’s helpful – especially in more complicated worksheets to remind myself what I’ve done. I’ll link down the sales comp approach first, and the cost approach second.
In a third field, I’ll build my algebraic formula. It’s 80% of the sales comparable approach plus 20% of the cost approach, which is written as =(0.8*A2)+(0.2*B2). Worksheets use the standard mathematical order of operations, so separating the components with parentheses isn’t necessary, it’s just helpful.
Now all that’s lacking is to link the field with the equation back into the form.
Notice how the spreadsheet and the final value are now dynamic. For instance, if I update the grid and change the sales comparison value, both the worksheet and the final value change accordingly.
Don’t forget to save your worksheet for later use.