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It’s our 30th anniversary!

Our 1993 logo, created to celebrate our dominant
market share. Click image for details.

July 24th marks our 30th anniversary, and we're excited to share the celebration with you! After all, we wouldn't be where we are without your loyal support. To show our appreciation, we're giving away 30 devices, including tablets and DISTOs, and offering exclusive discounts all month.

Every week, we'll be giving away 10 mobile devices, and throwing in a year of our Elite System as a bonus to one lucky winner. Why mobile devices? Because we've seen firsthand how our free app TOTAL for Mobile — integrated with DISTO laser measurers — has saved appraisers 30 minutes or more on assignments. It also works seamlessly with TOTAL on the desktop and lets you work even without a data connection or WiFi.

To enter, just fill out the form at (Don't forget to bookmark that page while you're there so you can enter for next week's prize too!)

Also, watch your e-mail inboxes for special discount offers and to get the scoop on new giveaway prizes every Monday. Thank you so much for your business, and for an incredible 30 years!