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Tech Tip: Moving files with USB flash drives

While Vault is a cloud-based backup system, some appraisers still like to physically carry their report files with them on a USB flash drive when they leave the office. Though a manual process, many appraisers use these USB devices to ferry reports from one computer to another.

The Files PowerView in TOTAL makes this easier than ever. From the folder panel on the left, choose "Attach Directory," browse to the external drive, and tell it where you want your files to go. Now, drag into the new folder any files that you want to take with you. Reverse this process on the other machine to drag your files out of the attached directory and into the folders on your home PC.

Once you attach a USB drive in this way, if you plug the USB drive into your computer before you open TOTAL, the attached drive appears automatically in the file cabinet the next time you open TOTAL.